Experiencing the “University Library Spirit”
University Library invites students and staff members to participate in guided tours in German and English in October 2023
Staff members of Chemnitz University of Technology who do not yet know the inside of the University Library or who would like to explore it more comprehensively, are welcome to participate in exclusive guided tours on the occasion of the national “Library Day” on October 24, 2023. For guided tours in German, three dates are offered: on 10 am, 01 pm and 04 pm. An English-speaking guided tour starts at 03 pm. Prior registration is required by accessing the following link: www.mytuc.org/btxh.
At the following two days, two “Library Rallies for students” are offered, one in German on October 26 and one in English on October 27, starting at 01 pm respectively. During this event, it will be i.a. explained how to use the Library effectively from borrowing to reading hall up to online-databases. For this event, prior registration is required as well: www.mytuc.org/tbhv.
“All the ones who would like to experience the University Library Spirit, who would like to take a look behind the scenes and who are interested in our comprehensive range of service offers do very right to participate in those guided tours”, Angela Malz, University Library Director, quotes. Furthermore, the University Library continues to offer public guided tours to interested citizens of the city and its surrounding region, though they are already fully booked until the end of November.
University Library Website: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/ub/
Mario Steinebach