Well-known expert on meta-analyses joins Chemnitz University of Technology for research stay.
Prof. Tom Stanley (Deakin Business School, Australia) will hold the Commerzbank Endowed Professorship at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from April 8 to 29, 2024 - Public lecture April 16th, 2024
Meta-analysis is a statistical method that summarizes the results of existing empirical research on a certain topic to come up with a more robust result. Meta-analyses have often helped to shed new light on the conventional wisdom on a research question. One of the world's most recognized experts in the field of meta-analysis and a key developer of interdisciplinary meta-analysis methods is Prof. Tom Stanley from Deakin Business School (Australia). In order to further advance research cooperation in the field of meta-analysis, he will be visiting the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Chemnitz University of Technology from April 8 to 29, 2024, holding the Commerzbank Endowed Professorship during his stay. In this role, Prof. Stanley will advise researchers and students at Chemnitz University of Technology about the preparation and publication of meta-analyses. Interested scholars and students of all faculties are invited to a public lecture entitled "The significance of data-sharing policy" as part of the faculty’s research seminar. The lecture will take place at Reichenhainer Straße 90 10.106. A doctoral seminar will take place on April 25th, 2024 and April 26th, 2024 from 10 a.m.
About Prof. Tom Stanley
Tom Stanley is Meta-Analysis Professor (Emeritus), and Professor of Economics (Honorary) of the School of Business and Law at Deakin University, Australia. His groundbreaking work on meta-analysis is widely recognized worldwide, including across disciplines, as almost all meta-analyses use the methods and research frameworks developed and introduced in his work. The seminal paper by Stanley and Jarrell (Journal of Economic Surveys, 1989) on meta-analysis in economics introduced a new empirical review and evaluation methodology, called meta-regression analysis, which was developed specifically for the evaluation of econometric research results. This paper, along with meta-regression analysis in general, was selected by the editors of the Journal of Economic Surveys in 2011 as one of the four most important developments in economics in the last quarter century. His paper "Wheat from chaff: Meta-analysis as quantitative literature review", published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives (a leading journal of the American Economic Association) in 2001, has become a standard reference in the field of meta-regression with well over 1000 citations.
Prof. Stanley is spokesperson of the Meta-Analysis in Economics Research Network and the new Editor in Chief of the prestigious Journal of Economic Surveys. He was also appointed as an affiliate member of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University, USA (METRICS). In recent years, he has contributed in particular to the Open Science movement. With his contributions and analyses, he shows how data and method transparency and replicability can prevent the distortion of results in many research areas and thus enable better scientific advice.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gechert, phone +49-371-531-37468, e-mail sebastian.gechert@wiwi.tu-chemnitz.de.
Mario Steinebach