Going abroad with Erasmus+ – Apply now until March 31, 2025!
The application for doing a semester abroad with Erasmus+ during winter semester 2025/26 and summer semester 2026 is still open until March 31, 2025
The Erasmus+ programme takes students to exciting places all over Europe for a semester abroad. Students at Chemnitz University of Technology have access to exchange places at a total of more than 200 partner universities in 30 countries via their departments. Those who would like to start their semester abroad in winter semester 2025/26 or summer semester 2026 with the Erasmus+ programme should apply now in their department for the exchange place. After that, the application for Erasmus+ program participation must be submitted to the International Office (IUZ) of Chemnitz University of Technology by March 31, 2025. Further information is available online.
Erasmus+ offers a lot
“A semester abroad with Erasmus+ offers many advantages. The stay can be financially supported, there are no tuition fees at the host university and the recognition of achievements abroad is just as much a part of the programme as the comprehensive organisational support. ‘The monthly funding instalments of 600 Euro or 540 Euro are supplemented by a possible additional grant of 250 Euro per month for students with children, physical disabilities, from a non-academic family or in employment” Oliver Sachs, Erasmus+ coordinator of the International Office (IUZ), emphasises. The IUZ offers Erasmus+ students numerous advisory and support services before, during and after their stay, preparatory meetings and intercultural training. In addition, the IUZ is in contact with the partner universities and is available as a contact point at all times to ensure that the semester abroad is an unforgettable experience.
For further information please contact: Oliver Sachs, phone: +49 (0)371 531-37972, E-Mail: oliver.sachs@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de.
Mario Steinebach