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Open Letter Ahead of the Kick-Off Meeting of the European Cross-Border University Across

Fellow university presidents, dear colleagues and guests!

Bienvenidos…Добре дошли…Benvenuti...Prisrčno dobrodošli…Bienvenue…Witam serdecznie…Bine ați venit...добро дошли…Ласкаво просимо…herzlich willkommen…Welcome to Chemnitz – the European Capital of Culture 2025!

In his famous Zurich speech in 1946, shortly after the end of the Second World War, in which Nazi Germany brought unimaginable suffering to the world, Winston Churchill declared “We must build a kind of United States of Europe”. The former British Prime Minister was convinced that only a united Europe (albeit without Great Britain in his vision) could guarantee peace, security and freedom in the future. This view was unequivocally confirmed by the subsequent success story that is the European Union (despite various setbacks). At the same time, there was a realisation that any such process of unification cannot simply be initiated and implemented within a short period of time, but must grow gradually – with the involvement of a large number of stakeholders. Universities have a very special responsibility in this regard. It is significant that Churchill delivered his Zurich speech at a university – a place that would be inconceivable without tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness.

The need for countries, cultures and especially universities to work together, stick together and stand together – something that we are calling for at our university with the #TUCgether campaign – is particularly evident in the current climate, in which peace, security and freedom are under massive threat. This is exemplified, among other things, by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine in violation of international law, the escalation of violence in the Middle East, and the growing tide of right-wing populism, radicalism and extremism around the world, especially in Germany, as well as by increasingly polarised societies, eroding democracies and, by extension, the collapsing foundations of the world order as we know it.

This makes it all the more important to STAND TOGETHER – “ACROSS” – across the borders of countries, across the borders of cultural areas and across the borders of disciplines – just as the European Cross-Border University Across does. It represents four European border regions with around 200 million citizens; it represents ten European universities (including an associated university in Ukraine) with around 100,000 students and 10,000 employees; and it represents cross-border research and teaching. But at the same time it represents so much more: democratic values, peaceful coexistence, tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness.

We at Chemnitz University of Technology are very proud of the Across University Alliance, which, following its successful application as part of the European Universities Initiative of the European Commission, in which we were able to take the lead, has received official recognition and funding (€14.4 million) from the EU to become what it deserves: a European University – and hence an extremely important building block for peace, security and freedom in Europe.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this and extend a very warm welcome to our guests here in Chemnitz – the European Capital of Culture 2025. I wish the kick-off meeting every success!

With best regards,

Gerd Strohmeier

Mario Steinebach

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