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„Don’t gamble Europe away!“

Elmar Brok reads from his bestseller in the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology and talks with the audience on March 25, 2025

By the title „Don’t gamble Europa away! – Without the EU, Germany is a midget”, the long-experienced European parliamentarian Elmar Brok delivers in his book of the same title, published jointly with the journalist and biographer Peter Köpf, a warning: In a period of growing dangers by extremist tendencies, an anxious political center, emerging nationalisms and egoisms as well as external-political hotspots in the right neighborhood, a strong European Union capable of acting is, for national interest alone, of crucial importance for Germany. From those aspects, the authors derive concrete propositions for transition to more capability for acting, transparency, democracy and rule of law within the European Union. In addition, the book deals also with the political and economic consequences of the Trum/MusK-era.

Elmar Brok will read from this bestseller on March 25, 2025 at the IdeenReich in the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology, Straße der Nationen 33. Subsequently, the audience may, moderated by PD Dr. Antje Nötzold, scientific staff member at the Professorship for International Relations at Chemnitz University of Technology and currently visiting professor at TU Dresden, start into a conversation dealing with the elaboration and its late-breaking political topic. The event starts at 6 pm. The reading is organized by the University Library jointly with the Chemnitz branch office of the Saxon Center for Political Education, the European Movement Saxony as well as the Union for Europe Saxony. The participation is free. A prior registration is not required.

Concerning the authors of the book „Don’t gamble Europa away! – Without the EU, Germany is a midget“:

Elmar Brok is a former German politician and Vice-President of Centrist Democrat International. From 1980 to 2019, he was member of the European Parliament and acted from 1999 until 2007 and from 2012 to 2017 as Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs. He used to be Co-Chairman of the PPE-ministers for foreign affairs and member of the meetings of the PPE-heads of government in the run-up to EU-summits (European Council) for 20 years as well as member of the federal board of the CDU. Due to his expertise, the British daily paper „The Guardian” awarded to him the title “Master of the EUniverse”.

Peter Köpf is a journalist and author with comprehensive experience in political reporting and biographic literature. He elaborated several biographies, such as “The maverick Kurt Biedenkopf”, “Stoiber”, “The Burdas” and “The Mommsens”. Until 2021, he headed as editor-in-chief – jointly with the editor Theo Sommer – the international publications of the publisher Times Media, among them The Atlantic Times, The German Times and The Security Times.

Further information regarding events in the University Library: mytuc.org/gpvz

(Translation: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)

Anne Eichhorn

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