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A scholarship for studying in China

Students from TU Chemnitz can apply for 25 scholarships for postgraduate studies at AC21-partner university in Shanghai

Shanghai Jiao Tong University belongs like Chemnitz University of Technology to the "Academic Consortium 21” (AC21) - an international network of 20 re-known universities worldwide. This university now offers i.a. for Bachelor- and Master-graduates from Chemnitz University of Technology a total of 25 scholarships for postgraduate studies.

The scholarship duration varies between two and four years - depending on the choice whether a Master- or a PhD-Degree shall be acquired. The scholarship includes - besides tuition, basic materials and on-campus dormitory fee waiver - a monthly grant of 200 to 240 Euro, a one-off resettlement subsidy of 180 Euro and a health insurance of about 70 Euro. The choice is free between English- and Chinese-speaking programs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. For application there has to be submitted i.a. an online-application form of the Chinese Government Scholarship Council together with the required documents, a motivation letter and a Physical Examination Record for Foreigners.

Applications may be submitted until 15 March 2012 at latest to the Admission Office of the School of International Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. For further information please visit the following link: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/int/university/ac21/StipSJTU.html.en

(Author: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)

Katharina Thehos

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