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Further enhanced support for international students, PhD-students and scientists

Magdalena Wieloch appointed as new Commissioner for foreigners at Chemnitz University of Technology

Chemnitz University of Technology is proud to welcome each year a raising number of students, PhD-students and scientists from abroad. In order to offer them a first contact opportunity especially concerning intercultural and social questions in addition to the International Office a new Commissioner for foreigners was appointed in October 2012: Magdalena Wieloch will take over this task and will support the International Office in its efforts for the intensive advice and support to all international students, PhD-students and scientists at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Magdalena Wieloch, who comes from Poland, acquired her Master degree in Ethnolinguistics and afterwards a diploma in Public Relations within postgraduate studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan. For three years she lives now at Chemnitz and since 2011 she is a PhD-student at the Institute of European Studies at the Professorhip for Cultural and Social Change. Additionally she works as scientific assistant within the project "Qualitätspakt Lehre” ("Teaching Quality Pact”) which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. "I learned German at school and during my studies and I wanted to improve my language competencies. Furthermore I have searched for new challenges” she explained why she has decided to go to Chemnitz. From the beginning of her stay in Chemnitz she profited from the offers and the workshops of the International Office for international students, PhD-students and scientists and she expressed constructive criticism and feedback. In the course of this close collaboration and engagement she was proposed and is now officially appointed for the position of the Commissioner for foreigners. Magdalena Wieloch is looking forward to this position. "I have my own experiences and I know how it is to study abroad. This knowledge will definitely help me to support the students, PhD-students and scientists. And in the case of not being able to help them, I can always inform them about the right contact person including the team members of the International Office. But in the first instance, all international students, PhD-students and scientists are cordially invited to address to me with their questions.” The new Commissioner for foreigners will not offer consulting hours immediately but in case of high demand and accumulation of certain kinds of problems consulting hours will be offered.

You can contact Magdalena Wieloch via the email-address auslaenderbeauftragte@tu-chemnitz.de. She speaks German, English, Spanish and has also basic language proficiency in Basque language.

For further information please access the following link: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/kontakt/auslaenderbeauftragte.php.en

(author: Florentina Liefeith, translation: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)

Katharina Thehos

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