On the way to a University-Wide (Post-)Doctoral Culture
The Research Academy and the Competence School invite to theme afternoon on June 25th 2014
An even stronger networking is at the center of the university-wide (Post-)doctoral culture. Photo: Press Office Archieve/Wolfgang Schmidt
Technische Universität Chemnitz feels more than obliged to promote young researchers and opens diverse options in multidisciplinary further education, counselling services, and networking to its PhD-students, and since this semester also to all Postdocs. These offers are the responsibility of the Research Academy as a central facility of TU Chemnitz. The Research Academy is complemented by the Competence School as the ESF-funded project.
Besides the cross-disciplinary support by a range of qualification and consulting opportunities, the Research Academy and the Competence School are committed to strengthen an academic culture within the circle of young researchers of TU Chemnitz. They would like to do this on a sustainable basis, and expand the appeal of the university as a location for research. For example, for the first time last year for all PhD-students, Postdocs resp. Junior Scientists of TU Chemnitz was dedicated a special day in the Events Calendar of the university: ´Day of Young Researchers`, which will be organized again on September 26th 2014. Such activities, together with the university administration, the faculties, as well as the representatives of other establishments, should arrange in the best possible way the general conditions for the Doctoral- and Postdoctoral stage. In addition, they should continuously improve the quality of the promotion of young researchers.
Therefore, all PhD-students and Postdocs are cordially invited, to actively participate in building a (post-)doctoral culture that welcomes young researchers. On Wednesday afternoon, June 25th 2014, from 3 to 5 p.m. all PhD-students and Postdocs can contribute their ideas for a vibrant and contemporary academic culture at TU Chemnitz. In terms of a self-determined (Post-)doctoral culture, this bottom-up process should also help to promote a stronger identification with the university. All interested parties have an opportunity to exchange their views in a World Café, which takes place in room NK004 at Reichenhainer Straße 90, on various topics in a creative atmosphere with a ´Host`, and jointly develop new perspectives and options for action. In addition to above mentioned initiators, the hosts of the afternoon are the representatives of the VAMC, the International Office and the Center for Equal Opportunities in Science and Research. On the part of the University Management, Dr. Rainer Kittig will take part by order of the Vice-Rector for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists and take actionable proposals.
For more information concerning theme afternoon and registration, please visit http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/kompetenzschule/event.php. Please preregister up to and including June 23, 2014. On request and after registration a child care is possible.
Contact: Annett Schädlich, Coordinator of the Research Academy, Phone +49 371 531-37522, Email annett.schaedlich@verwaltung.tu-chemnitz.de
(Author: Annett Schädlich, Translation: Nataliia Boiko)
Mario Steinebach