Students give TU Chemnitz very good grades
CHE Ranking: Math students are particularly very satisfied with their study conditions – as regards to the living, Chemnitz belongs to the most favourable cities in Germany
Math students often work in smaller study groups. In the picture: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg (on the left) and Dr. Undine Leopold, who discuss polyhedral structures in the seminar. Photo: Steve Conrad -
Students in Chemnitz are satisfied with many aspects of their studies what is also confirmed by the youngest ranking conducted by the Centre for Higher Education that has published the new ZEIT Study Guide 2015/16. Cover: Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH & Co. KG
The Centre for Higher Education (CHE) has examined more than 300 universities and technical colleges in the German-speaking countries in its latest university ranking. Apart from facts concerning study programs, teaching, facilities and research, this ranking contains the judgements of students on their study conditions at the educational establishments. The results were published on 5 May 2015 in the ZEIT Study Guide 2015/16. Every year, one third of the whole range of disciplines that currently includes 41 subject areas is analysed anew. This year were also analyzed the subjects Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science and Sports Science represented at Technische Universität Chemnitz.
Mathematics in Chemnitz is one of the Germany`s top addresses for students
TU Chemnitz has been given very good reviews especially for the combined Bachelor/Master degree program in Mathematics in the following fields: Mathematics (with a Minor), Mathematics with Computer Science, Financial Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics and Business Mathematics. Students in Chemnitz are very satisfied with the offers for the study entry, with the support provided by teaching staff, the range of courses and the overall study situation. Moreover, the Mathematics scores points within scientific terms, the academic feasibility of the study range and in the assessment of the teaching staff. The room setup and the IT infrastructure are among the criteria in which mathematicians are far ahead. Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, rejoices about this review: “The fact that we are considered in the top group of the ranked universities in nine out of eleven criteria at the students` judgements, highlights the success of our work in the recent years in building special study options. This enables both, an unbureucratic exchange between five fields of study and the transition from Bachelor`s degree to the Master.“
Studies within the standard period of study
According to the CHE ranking survey, in Chemnitz it is possible to finish the degree programs in Computer Science, Physics, Political Science and Sports Science within the standard study period. The Computer Science reaches the top ground with its offers prior to the beginning of studies, the international orientation of the Master`s study program and the library facilities. Physics is placed high with its offers before the study period and in the orientation week. Unfortunately, due to low participation of students at the CHE survey, the students` judgement could not be ranked here, so the Political Science too. The Sports Science certifies a high respect for professional practice at TU Chemnitz. In addition to the students` survey, CHE also collects metrics about the research. Mathematicians are included in the very top category in the “Publications per Scientist“ and the Sports Scientists with 1.5 doctorates per professor.
Favorable student paving thanks to low rents
Furthermore, Chemnitz is repeatedly attested as the city with one of the most affordable university locations in Germany. The average monthly rent (including utilities) in the private housing market which a student pays in Chemnitz is 7.40 euros/square meter. The dormitory rents vary depending on the room size, which is currently between 159.50 and 249.50 euros. What is more, the supply rate with student accommodation in Chemnitz is about ten percent higher than the national average. The Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau offers 2,028 rooms in student dormitories on campus of TU Chemnitz.
For obtaining comprehensive information on studies in Chemnitz, we recommend to visit the "Open Day" on 30 May 2015.
The detailed CHE University Ranking 2015/16 on the Internet:
(Author: Mario Steinebach, Translation: Nataliia Boiko)
Katharina Thehos
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende
- , Studentenwerk
- , Chemnitz