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Printing Future Days 2015

Junior scientiests from the Print and Media industry will meet from 5th to 7h October 2015 at the scientific conference "Printing Future Days"

From 05th to 07th October 2015 the 6th Printing Future Days will take place at the Institute for Print and Media Technology at Technische Universität Chemnitz. The “Printing Future Days” is an international conference for young scientists from around the world. Topics all about graphic and functional printing, materials and applications will be addressed and discussed. With more than 30 oral presentations from both, young as well as recognized senior scientists and industry experts and additional 15 poster presentations, the Printing Future Days 2015 will become a great event. In an exhibition from various industry partners the attendees have the opportunity to establish first or broaden already existing contacts.

Numerous activities after the official conference program encourage to exchange knowledge and thoughts, like the welcome reception on Sunday evening at the “Club der Kulturen”, the after business club on Monday evening at the “Uferstrand” Chemnitz and the conference dinner on Tuesday evening at the “Viva Mamajoes”. One special attraction is the “open campus” tour on Monday 5th of October, where several laboratories are opening their doors and the attendees can get an insight in the printing labs at TU Chemnitz. This includes the labs of “Baumann printing research”, the print service as well as laboratories from Fraunhofer ENAS (Department Printed Functionalities) and 3D Micromac AG (Start up).

More information about the conference is available under http://www.printingfuturedays.com or by Dana Weise, phone 0371 531-32144, E-Mail dana.weise@mb.tu-chemnitz.de and Melinda Hartwig, phone 0371 531-35243, E-Mail melinda.hartwig@mb.tu-chemnitz.de

(Author: Dana Weise)

Mario Steinebach

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