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Wanted: Qualified International Graduates for Jobs in Germany

25 selected students have the opportunity to attend informative workshops, events and to meet employers in order to be prepared for their job entry in Germany

Finding a full time job in Germany after graduating from Technische Universität Chemnitz often turns out to be difficult for international students. Knowledge of German language can be one of the problems but also cultural differences which appear during the application process can act as a stumbling block for getting a job offer. The new project “Study and Work@TU Chemnitz”, realized by the Career Service of the “Zentrum für Wissens- und Technologietransfer (ZWT)”, will assist international students and graduates to overcome these difficulties.

The government funded project is an initiative by the „Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft“ and the „Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für die neuen Bundesländer“. It aims to provide international students with important information regarding a career entry in Germany, necessary requirements by employers and guidance opportunities during the process of finding a job. “Study and Work@TU Chemnitz helps us to integrate international graduates into regional businesses even better,” says Dr. Christian Genz, provisional CEO of the ZWT. The project is supported by the members of the „Arbeitskreis Fachkräftesicherung Chemnitz” - a committee to secure qualified employees in the region.
The project runs until June 2017. Each semester 25 selected students have the opportunity to attend informative workshops, events and to meet employers in order to be prepared for their job entry in Germany. International students who are interested in participating in the project can now apply. The applicants should be full-time students close to graduation, have good German language knowledge (B1 level) and preferably have a focus on MINT subjects (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Science, Technology). The following documents should be included with the application: CV (including photo) in German, a letter of recommendation by a professor (max. 1 page), a letter of motivation (max. 1 page), grades and certificates, and a German language certificate.

Interested students can send their application to: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Zentrum für Wissens- und Technologietransfer, Career Service / Study and Work, Dittesstraße 15, 09126 Chemnitz or via email: studyandwork@tu-chemnitz.de

For more information contact: Julia Werner, Phone 0049 371 531-31981, Email julia.werner@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de

(Author: Julia Werner)

Mario Steinebach

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