The Chemnitz University of Technology is the best entrepreneurial university in Saxony
According to the “Gründungsradar 2016” survey, the Chemnitz University of Technology is one of the best entrepreneurial universities in Germany - again. Compared to 2012, the university is attested a
On the roof of the main building of the Chemnitz University of Technology, two lions hold Saxony’s crest adorned with a golden crown. Picture: Press office photo archive/ Wolfgang Thieme
The Chemnitz University of Technology is the best entrepreneurial university and at the same time Nr.1 when it comes to start-up companies of all public universities in Saxony, according to the “Gründungsradar 2016” survey. Furthermore, the Chemnitz University is among the TOP 10 of Germany’s medium sized universities. The Stifterverband in Germany in cooperation with the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation performed the investigation on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. They analyzed the success rate in the creation of a vivid entrepreneurial culture at public and state-approved universities in all of Germany. The study evaluated the establishment of entrepreneurship at the university, more specifically the creation of entrepreneurship awareness, support for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activities of the members of the universities. . The ranking included 194 small, medium sized and large universities all over Germany. Chemnitz University of Technology reached the highest overall score in regard to universities in Saxony and is at the same time the best entrepreneurial university in the Free State. Furthermore, Chemnitz University ranked fifth of all 67 medium sized universities in Germany with a number of students between 5,000 and 15,000.
“These very positive results emphasize the excellent performance of the Chemnitz University of Technology not only in Research and Teaching, but also in our Transfer activities. They also show that our manifold efforts in supporting start-up companies founded by researchers, current or former students of our university are successful”, says Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, Rector of the Chemnitz University. In all four fields investigated in the “Gründungsradar”, the Chemnitz University of Technology was able to repeat or even improve its excellent performance, compared to the results of 2012. “The funding of startup companies are an important tool for the transfer of technologies from our university, especially into the region”, adds Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, Vice President for Transfer and Academic Qualification at the Chemnitz University. He continues: “We want to further develop the entrepreneurial culture in cooperation with our networking partners in this area. This has also become one of the targets our university agreed on in discussions with the Free State of Saxony.” The President of the university emphasizes: “The excellent result of the Chemnitz University of Technology is also a result of the successful f start-up support programs funded by federal and state governments”. For example, the EXIST program of the Federal Ministry of Economy made an important contribution by supporting several university spin-offs over the last years.
A significant contribution to the success of the Chemnitz University of Technology is also provided by the Free State support of the SAXEED entrepreneurship network. During 2006 to 2016, SAXEED consulted about 540 start up projects at Chemnitz University of Technology. “More than 140 companies, including 70 technology oriented companies with great growth potential, generated more than 400 new jobs”, reports Dr. Markus Braun, Executive Manager of SAXEED, . Over the last ten years, almost 9,000 participants used the teaching and qualification courses and workshops of SAXEED . SAXEED cooperates with the Junior Professorship Entrepreneurship in Business Creation and Succession Management, endowed by the Sparkasse Chemnitz in June 2013, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Chemnitz University of Technology.
“We will analyze the results of the current “Gründungsradar” in detail in order to evaluate further potentials”, Professor Götze ensures.“ We will continue to inspire all faculties of the university even more for entrepreneurial activities as well as for ‘hot’ topics, such as Industry 4.0. We aim to offer a broad field of high-quality support and consulting services to all individuals that are interested in starting their own business, also in cooperation with our partners.”
Further information:
Contact to the entrepreneurial network SAXEED:
Mario Steinebach