Wanted: Test persons for driving study
Chemnitz University of Technology is currently looking for test persons aged 18+ with own car and driving license B for a naturalistic driving study – allowance is 40 euros
The Professorship of Cognitive and Engineering Psychology at Chemnitz University is looking for several test persons for a research project on behalf of the Federal Highway Research Institute. In the framework of a driving study, the quality of two dashboard cameras while driving will be investigated with regard to different natural conditions (day vs. night) for a period of three days. Wanted are test persons with a driver’s license B and regular ride with their car to work. Furthermore, the test persons have to agree to being filmed during their rides as the cameras are pointed towards the driver’s cabin. The two cameras will be installed for two or three days inside the car. The videos will be treated confidential and not passed on to third parties. The test persons receive an allowance of 40 euros.
Registration is possible at https://tinyurl.com/j58289s. If there are problems with the online registration, persons interested in the study can also call +49 371 531 19925 or leave a message on the answering machine. A team member of the project will call back. Further questions will be answered by Maria Kreußlein, email maria.kreusslein@psychologie.tu-chemnitz.de
By the way: The Professorship of Cognitive and Engineering Psychology is currently researching on various subjects in the field of psychological basics, traffic psychology, electric mobility, and usability. Aside from driving simulator experiments, studies with electric vehicles in real traffic, or usability tests of websites and apps, the professorship also carries out online surveys, interviews, and group discussions on professorship relevant subjects. Further information at: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/hsw/psychologie/professuren/allpsy1
Matthias Fejes