Effort pays off
Chemnitz University of Technology presented nine awards as well as the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service for the year 2017 on November 9, 2017
Saddam Hussein Mahmoud Weheabby (middle) received the GAES prize from Prof. Gerd Strohmeier (left), President of Chemnitz University, and Prof. Maximilian Eibl, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs. Photo: TU Chemnitz/Jacob Müller -
The Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Chemnitz e. V. donate the university awards annualy. Chairman Dr. Peter Seifert emphasized the importance of the Freundesgesellschaft for Chemnitz University. Foto: TU Chemnitz/Jacob Müller -
Happy with President Prof. Strohmeier (M.) and Chairman of the Freundesgesellschaft, Dr. Peter Seifert (r.): Dr. Knut Odermann (front, right), Dr. Björn Sprungk (front, 3rd from the right), Dr. Janine Jeschke (front, 4th from the right) und Dr. Sebastian Pyka (front, 2nd from the left) and Dr. Kevin Hipp (behind, 2nd from the left), Maximilian Geidel (behind, 4th from the left) und Marcus Kühnert (behind, 2nd from the right). Not in the picture: Dr. Isabelle–Christine Panreck and Dr. Juliane Eberth. Foto: TU Chemnitz/Jacob Müller
The Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Chemnitz e. V. presented eight university awards in a ceremonial hour inside of the Industrie-und Handelskammer (IHK) Chemnitz on November 9, 2017. The by the Freundesgesellschaft presented awards were endowed with 1,000 euros. They honor the respective best final papers of all departments. At the request of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology their prize was split. Thus, two master graduates received each 500 euros. Peter Seifert, Chairman of the Freundesgesellschaft, emphasized on the one hand the particular importance of the academic education and on the other the relevance of the Freundesgesellschaft for the funding and support of Chemnitz University. Seifert pointed out that a support of the Freundesgesellschaft and thus of Chemnitz University would still be the best opportunity to promote and support the best research and teaching in Chemnitz.
In this framework, the also with 1,000 euros endowed prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) was awarded. University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier and Vice President for Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Maximilian Eibl, handed over the prize to Saddam Hussein Mahmoud Weheabby, Ph.D. Candidate at Faculty of Natural Sciences.
Eight Departments, nine university awards
Janine Jeschke received the university award for the Faculty of Natural Sciences for her dissertation with the title “Novel Ruthenium Complexes and their Application in Homogenous Catalysis and Chemical Vapor Deposition”. Sponsor is HTM Härtetechnik & Metallbearbeitung GmbH.
For the Faculty of Mathematics, Björn Sprungk received the university award for his dissertation “Numerical Methods for Bayesian Inference in Hilbert Spaces”. The prize was sponsored by eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co.
Kevin Hipps dissertation on the “Einsatz hybrider Optimierungsverfahren zur Inbetriebnahme elektromechanischer Systeme” received the university award for the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Sponsor is Niles Simmons Industrieanlagen GmbH.
Upon request of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the university award was split up. Thus, 500 euros were awarded to Maximilian Geidel for his master thesis on “Prozesssteuerung für eine vollautomatische Sinteranlage zur Wärmebehandlung von 3D-gedruckten Körpern aus Metall und Keramik” and for the master thesis on “Untersuchungen zur Aussagekraft der frequenzabhängigen Verlustfaktormessung an VPE-isolierten Mittelspannungskabeln” by Marcus Kühnert. Siemens AG was sponsor.
Knut Odeman received the university award for the Faculty of Computer Science. He graduated with the final paper on “Kantenfärbung von Graphen ohne bestimmte regenbogengefärbte Teilgraphen”. The prize was sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG.
The university award for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration was presented to Sebastian Pyka for his dissertation on “Die Bedeutung und Wirkung von Resilienz im persönlichen Verkauf – ein Multi-Methoden-Ansatz zur Analyse der positiven Effekte von Resilienz auf den dysfunktionalen, mediierten Einfluss von ambiguitäts-bedingtem Rollenstress auf die Verkaufsleistung”. Jürgen and Sonja Oehlschläger were sponsors.
Isabelle-Christine Panreck received the university award 2017 for the Faculty of Humanities for her dissertation on “Diskurse als Nährboden demokratischer Außenpolitik? Vergleich der massenmedialen Diskurse über den Irakkrieg 2003 und Lybienkrieg 2011 aus der Perspektive der agonistischen Demokratie nach Chantal Mouffe”. Sponsor was the City of Chemnitz.
For the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Juliane Eberth received the university award for her dissertation on “Wirkungen und Wirkmechanismen achtsamkeitsbasierter Medidation: Entwicklung eines Modells über die durch buddhistische Medidation ausgelösten psychischenVeränderungen im Alltag”. Sparkasse Chemnitz sponsored the prize.
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende