Going abroad with Erasmus+
Doing a semester abroad with Erasmus+ - Applications for winter semester 2018/19 and summer semester 2019 to be handed in until 31st of March
Applications for winter semester 2018/19 and summer semester 2019 to be handed in until 31st of March. Photo: TU Chemnitz/Oliver Sachs
The numbers are impressive: During the past year students of Chemnitz University of Technology have spent their semester abroad at 70 universities in 23 different European countries by participating in the Erasmus+ exchange programme. During their stays they collected more than 2600 ECTS credits and traveled more than 130.000 km.
“Erasmus+ is a great opportunity for our students to make international experiences, befriend students from all over the world and to broaden their scientific and personal horizon. Our numbers show how many-sided and extensive these experiences can be.” says Oliver Sachs, Erasmus+ Coordinator of TU Chemnitz’ International Office (IUZ).
An Erasmus+ semester abroad has many advantages: Students can receive a financial funding and tuition fees at the host university do not have to be paid. Furthermore, the International Office as well as the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinators will care for the students in terms of organisational matters before, while and after the stay abroad. “Besides of many other things we offer preparation meetings and intercultural trainings, prepare the necessary documents, keep in touch with the partner universities, and are always available in case of questions. Our students rate their stays very positive.” Sachs emphasises.
Important information on the Erasmus+ programme as well as the access to the online application for an Erasmus+ semester abroad can be found on the International Office’s website. Application deadline ends on 31.03.2018.
For further information please contact: Oliver Sachs, Tel. 0371-531-37972, E-Mail: oliver.sachs@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de
(Translation: Oliver Sachs)
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende
- , International