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Material Technology Colloquium takes place for the 20th time in Chemnitz

The Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) invites to 17 plenary talks, 27 specialist lectures, and an industry exhibition on March 14 and 15, 2018 – collaborative research center 692 co

High-strength aluminum materials, low-heat joining processes, heat treatment, surface modifications and composite materials are just some of the topics of the upcoming 20th Materials Technology Colloquium in Chemnitz. On March 14 and 15, 2018, the specialist conference of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) will take place in the central auditorium building of Chemnitz University of Technology. The professors Thomas Lampke, Guntram Wagner, and Martin Wagner cordially invite to this anniversary colloquium.

The colloquium is characterized by its broad cross section through the world of materials. The program on Wednesday consists of invited lectures on the topic of fine grained materials and rounds of the final colloquium of the collaborative research center 692 “HALS” (Hochfeste Aluminiumbasierte Leichtbauwerkstoffe für Sicherheitsbauteile) (SFB692). Experts from all over Germany and Austria are expected. Professor Martin Wagner, spokesperson of the SFB 692 – HALS, will be responsible for the moderation. On this occasion, a special volume will be released in the Open Access Journal Metals.

The day will come to an end with an evening event in the “Bar Ausgleich” and the cafeteria. Aside from the opportunity to meet old and new friends from science and economy another highlight will await the participants: Prof. Ronny Rößler, Head of the Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz (Museum of Natural History Chemnitz) announced himself as speaker. The geologist from Stollberg, who has already received several awards for his works, will report on past cooperation projects between the IWW and the museum and present, that material technology exceeds common construction materials. The “Best Paper” and the “Best Poster” award will be presented on that evening, too.

On Thursday, the guests can expect a three-compartment conference program with sessions on the following subjects: electroplating, material testing, low-heat joining processes, corrosion, thermal spraying, steels, soldering, composite materials, and heat treatment. Besides specialist lectures from scientists from universities and research institutes in Germany and beyond, plenary talks of invited experts are also part of the program. This year, a final conference proceeding will be published. On the occasion of the anniversary colloquium, this proceeding will not only include all current lectures and presentations but also a backward look of 20 years WTK.

The conference is rounded off by an industry exhibition, the presence of the T.U.C. racing Team, and exclusive exhibits of the automotive history in the foyer of the auditorium building. Exhibitors include among others Carl Zeiss, Cloeren Technology, Gravitech, Olympus, Optris, and Polytech.

Conference homepage: www.tu-chemnitz.de/mb/iww/wtk/index1.php

Online publications of contributions of the collaborative research center 629: www.mdpi.com/journal/metals/special_issues/German_Collaborative_Research_Center_692

Published contributions of the Material Technology Colloquium: iopscience.iop.org/journal/1757-899X

(Translation: Alissa Hölzel)

Mario Steinebach

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