Vote for the 2019 PR Image Award
A photo from Jacob Müller of the Chemnitz University of Technology Press Office has made it to the final selection stage and is in the running for the best PR Image of the Year
When you hear the word prosthesis, you might immediately think of a hospital or a nursing home, or perhaps you think of cyborgs and other sorts of “machine people”, a la Star Trek or Blade Runner. At any rate, you rarely associate this word with something pleasant. What stereotypes do people with prostheses face, and how can this type of diversity have a positive effect on companies and society? This is the research focus of Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer, Director of the Institute of Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology. Meyer and his prosthetic hand can be seen in the image submitted for the 2019 PR Image Award. Photo: Jacob Müller
Polling is open for the selection of the best PR image of the year: until 11 October 2019, the public can vote at and select winners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. On the short list of finalists for this prize are 60 images within six different categories, including one by Jacob Müller from the Chemnitz University of Technology Press Office. A jury of media and PR professionals selected the finalists from around 600 submissions on behalf of 160 different companies and organisations. This is the 14th time that this prize will be awarded by news aktuell.
Müller’s photo, titled “Hand”, shows a prosthetic hand and its operator, Prof. Dr. Bertold Meyer. The Director of the Institute of Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology engages in research in the area of the increasing mechanisation of the human body and stereotypes that accompany this in society. The photo was taken as part of a photo shoot for a university press release that highlighted a study that shows how new bionic technology influences stereotypes about people with disabilities. The photo was also used to introduce Meyer’s lecture in the Chemnitz Children’s University event on the topic of whether or not people in the future will be able to buy superpowers.
“The images that have made it to the finals shows how incredibly diverse visual communication has become, and how skilfully it is deployed in the art of storytelling. Accordingly, the jury gave all the reactions we could wish for as communication experts: from amazement, to deep dismay, to hearty laughter,” says Edith Stier-Thompson, Managing Director for news aktuell and initiator of this year’s award process. Jacob Müller is very happy about the nomination of his photo: “Just to make it among the top 60 is a great achievement in and of itself, and it inspires me to continue capturing interesting motifs at Chemnitz University of Technology,” says the photographer.
Keyword: PR Image Award
The PR Image Award is presented by news aktuell, along with news aktuell in Switzerland and APA-OTS in Austria. Media partners for the award process are the German magazine pressesprecher, the Austrian industry association Horizont, and the Swiss communication industry magazine persönlich. On 24 October, news aktuell will announce the winners at a festive award ceremony in Hamburg.
(Article: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes
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