New Appointment at the University
A new professor is appointed by the president as of 1 September 2019 – Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock will lead the Junior Professorship of Social Psychology
Professor Frank Asbrock has been researching the events of the August 2018 in Chemnitz and how they have affected the mood of the citizens of Chemnitz. Photo: Jacob Müller / Chemnitz University of Technology
As of 1 September 2019, Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock will chair the Professorship of Social Psychology.
Asbrock’s teaching and research focuses on areas such as stereotypes, group-focused enmity, and threat perception and prejudice. In addition to these areas, Asbrock will set forth in the field of hybrid societies at Chemnitz University of Technology
Multimedia: In the TUCpersönlich podcast, Professor Dr. Frank Asbrock reports on prejudice research, why he studied psychology and his personal view of the city of Chemnitz.
About Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock
Asbrock studied at the University of Bielefeld. He received his doctorate in 2008 at the Graduate College for Group-focused Enmity. Starting in 2010, Asbrock was a research fellow at the University of Marburg in the Working Group for Social Psychology. In April 2015, Asbrock received a call to head the Junior Professorship for Social Psychology in Chemnitz.
(Article: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes