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Press Office and Crossmedia Communications
Press Office and Crossmedia Communications
Press Office and Crossmedia Communications 

Press Office and Crossmedia Communications

The TU Chemnitz is engaged in a wide range of activities in the realms of press and public relations work in order to meet the needs of various audiences. Along with direct contact to the press and other media professionals, the Press Office and Crossmedia Communications team create reports and articles most notably with regard to research, studies and transfer via a diverse array of print, online and social media formats. They produce any photo, video and audio material that is needed – in some instances cooperating with external actors or those within the TU Chemnitz network. They also ensure that the TU Chemnitz’s public image remains consistent and uniform (corporate design).

The Press Office and Crossmedia Communications team sees itself, on one hand, as the university’s liaison with the public and, on the other hand, as an important communicator and service provider for further groups both within and outside of the TU Chemnitz. In all domains of activity, service and audience-tailored communication are of utmost importance.

Press Office

The Press Office is responsible for media support and coverage of the university as well as its visibility in the form of press releases, expert referral, press talks, media analysis and special publications.

Online, the Press Office publishes “University News” articles as well as the “TUCnewsletter” information sheets “TUCinside”, “TUCdialog” and “TUCnetwork”. It maintains the digital press review and supplies news portals such as the “idw” scientific information service with reports about the TU Chemnitz.

The office promotes corporate identity via a unified and consistent visual appearance – from web content to social media and even print materials. It provides support and guidance to members of the university regarding adherence to TU Chemnitz’s corporate design.

Crossmedia Communications

The Crossmedia Communications team coordinates all of the university’s internal and external communication across various media and channels. It is responsible for analyzing trends in domains such as “web/online”, “audio/video” and “social media”. Furthermore, the team designs formats tailored to individual target groups as well as wide-reaching communication addressing events and themes at the TU Chemnitz.

The Crossmedia Communications team manages the TU Chemnitz’s social media presence on “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “YouTube”, “LinkedIn”, “Instagram” and even “Snapchat”. In addition, it stays in contact with managers of other social media profiles and provides guidance and support to members of the university.

In cooperation with the Professorship for Media Informatics, the team publishes “TUCtalk” and “TUCpersönlich”.