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About the project

The goal of the project is to make a sustainable contribution to meeting the demand for skilled workers in Saxony by sharpening the conveyed competencies with a view to the needs of Saxon companies and promoting a qualification-appropriate career entry as an integral part of academic success. To this end, small, flexible, and focused learning units in the form of microcredentials and microdegrees will be developed and offered in collaboration with Saxon companies. These will be consolidated on the digital platform TUCacademy for pupils, students, and professionals.

The chosen innovative didactic approach represents a significant expansion of the concept of academic success at TU Chemnitz, enabling a more flexible design and supplementing of the course of studies. The initiative further ties into current developments in the German and European higher education landscape with a particular focus on the Saxon labor market. The learning units promote the acquisition of specific labour market-relevant competencies and cross-cutting future skills. By focusing on STEAM subjects, they structurally support the acquisition of STEAM competencies, increase the proportion of women in these fields, and also particularly connect international students (TUC proportion: approx. 30%) with Saxon companies.

Überblick über die zu entwickelenden Microcredentials und Microdegrees aufgeteilt nach den Stakeholder-Gruppen Schüler:innen, Studierende und Weiterbildungsteilnehmer:innen


Duration 01.04.24 – 31.03.26
Funding volume 731.341,14 EUR


Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union und von Steuereinnahmen auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Landtags