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URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“
Exercise 4

Exercise 4: Planning of the website

Planning the page layout of the new website

Possible approaches include Excel spreadsheets, paper prototypes, organigrams or even wireframes.
Use the tools that you can work the best with.

Step by step

  • Breadcrumb navigation – Think about it: Where should the new site be placed within TU?
  • Menu items – Which menu items are needed? (If necessary, adapt the template to your own structure)
  • File names – Choose file and folder names sensibly
  • Modules etc. – Options for preparing the content


Breadcrumb navigation: TU Chemnitz Faculty Social Sciences Department of Psychology Professorship ABC

Menu items Folder/file name Notes/Modules
Professorship index.html
– Leader leader.html vCard module
– Team team.html tabs element, vCard module
Research research / index.html
– Projects research / projects.html accordion element
– Focal points research / focalpoints.html
– Publications research / publications.html
– Doctorates research / doctorates.html Doctorates module
Teaching teaching.html course catalogue module
Laboratory laboratory / index.html access-protected area with .htaccess
– Information laboratory / info.html
– Reservation laboratory / reservation.html
News news.html university news module
Events events.html event calendar module