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Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Exposés as part of the supervision of bachelor or master theses

  • The preparation of an exposé is mandatory.
  • Writing an exposé helps you to structure and focus your thesis. In addition, it helps us to improve the supervision process.
  • The exposé serves as a guideline for defining the basic ideas, thoughts, content and milestones of your final thesis.
  • The exposé comprises between two and four pages and is written in sentences.
  • The supervision process usually follows the following phases:
  • (i) preliminary consultation, (ii) preparation of the exposé, (iii) approval of the exposé, (iv) writing of the thesis including one appointment for consultation, (v) submission of the thesis.


Your exposé should contain the following information of your thesis.

  • Name, E-Mail, course of studies, supervisor and co-supervisor
  • The objective(s) of your final thesis and main research questions
    • Which questions will be answered?
  • Preliminary title
  • Problem and solution orientation
    • What is the problem? To which area is it related?
    • Why is it important?
    • Why did you choose the topic?
    • What is your strategy for solving the problem(s)?
  • Your understanding of the sustainability concept, and how sustainability is related to your topic.
  • Theories and research methods
    • Which theories and research methods serve to answer the research questions?
  • Planned table of contents
  • (Selected) Relevant literature
  • Time schedule
    • When should the work be submitted?
    • How will you ensure that the thesis will be completed within the planned time period?
  • Questions

Discussing your exposé with your supervisor helps to ensure good quality for writing your thesis.


Please submit your exposé as a word processing document (e.g. MS Word, LibreOffice Writer, OpenOffice Writer, Pages, etc.) to our team only during the following periods:
- 1st to 15th January AND register your thesis until 28/29th February in the same year.
1st to 15th March AND register your thesis until 30th April in the same year.
1st to 15th June AND register your thesis until 31st July in the same year.
1st to 15th October AND register your thesis until 30th November in the same year.

Outside of these periods no exposés will be reviewed.