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Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement
Completed Transfer Projects
Logo der Professur Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement

Completed transfer projects


Logo der regionalen Forschungsgruppe Sachsen für soziale InnovationenReFoSocI - Regional focus groups for social innovations in Saxony




Platzhalter für Bild der freien Kunst und Kultur in ChemnitzFree art and culture in Chemnitz & the cultural strategy 2030 (KuS)




Innovation & Strukturwandel LogoTransfer Alliance Cleaning 4.0 (TaRein4.0) - Adaptive cleaning systems and plants




Sii LogoGrowth and internationalization strategies for the digitalization of consulting (WISDiBe)




Logo Islamic Relief DeutschlandSustainability strategies



Logo Messe DresdenBusiness model innovation

  • Design concept



Logo NATUCFuture and sustainability

  • Go next




Logo Studentenwerk Chemnitz Zwickau






Logo DB SchenkerIndustry 4.0

  • Human factor

  • Logistics workplace


Logo DBTechnology management

  • Road mapping

  • Technology transfer






Logo Sächsisches Textil Forschungsinstitut e.V.Ergonomics

  • Stress factors

  • Open innovation

  • Innovation





Logo ThyssenkruppProduction management

  • Willingness to change

  • Shift system