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Master Management & Organization Studies
Partner universities

Partner universities

Shanghai University, VR China


University of Johannesburg, South Africa

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further information:

    • Vibrant, multicultural and dynamic, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) shares the pace and energy of cosmopolitan Johannesburg, the city whose name it carries. Proudly South African, the university is alive down to its African roots, and well-prepared for its role in actualizing the potential that higher education holds for the continent’s development.
    • UJ has transformed into a diverse, inclusive, transformational and collegial institution, with a student population of over 50 000, of which more than 3000 are international students from 80 countries. This makes UJ one of the largest contact universities in South Africa (SA) from the 26 public universities that make up the higher education system.
    • Link to University of Johannesburg/Südafrika
    • College of Business and Economics, School of Management


University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further informationen:

    • Main focus of events: Organisation Studies, HRM, Knowledge Management
    • Lecture period: ~ end of July to mid-December
    • The exchange takes place with the Master "Management Studies" there.
    • Funding: no tuition fees in Durban, PROMOS and DAAD application possible
    • Link to the University


University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa


Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further informationen:

    • Main focus of events: Knowledge Manegement, Alliances and Networks, Leadership and HRM
    • Regular offer of English-language, internationally staffed courses at Master's level (Boarding Pass Programme/ 30 credits)
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • Link to the University


Brno University of Technology, Czech republic

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further informationen:

    • Main focus of events: Organizational Behaviour & Theory, Cross Cultural HRM, IHRM, Strategy, Leadership, Knowledge Management
    • Lecture period: ~ September to January, February to May
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • Link to the University


Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further information:

    • Main focus of events: Organization Studies, HRM
    • Numerous courses offered in English
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • The exchange takes place with the Master "International Management" and "General / Corporate Management" there, 3 places specially arranged for students of the Master MOS.
    • Link to the University


Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further informationen:

    • Numerous courses offered in English and German
    • Lecture period: ~ beginning of October until end of February, end of February until end of June
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • Link to the University


University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Further information:

    • List of English-language courses can be found at: http://www2.ef.uni-lj.si/en/units/intOffice/study_courses.asp
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • Link to the University


University of Maribor, Slovenia

  • Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
    Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

  • Further information:

    • List of English-language courses can be found at: http://www.epf.uni-mb.si/eng/guide_students/syllabus_subject_description.aspx
    • Bilateral agreements exist with both the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business.
    • Funding via the Erasmus programme (Attention: only one stay possible)
    • Link to the University


ESC Rennes, France

ICN Business School, Nancy, France

Application procedure: the deadlines and guidelines of the Erasmus application procedure apply.
Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
Further informationen:


  • Created in 1905 by the University of Nancy and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • ICN Business School founded the Alliance Artem with the École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy and Mines Nancy. It is a partnership which promotes, in its educational programs, interdisciplinarity, alternative learning methods, creativity and innovation
  • ICN’s network of international partner universities is one of the largest and most dynamic networks among the French Schools of Management
  • International Program in Management (Students may choose to study either in French or in English)
  • Link to the University

Kazan Innovative University in Kazan, Russia (Republic of Tatarstan)

Application procedure & Contact person: International Team of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
Further information:

  • Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML) was founded in 1994 and now is the largest private higher educational institution in the Republic of Tatarstan and the entire Volga region. The University is among 100 best Russian higher educational institutions and 5 top best private universities of Russia. KIU combines the best traditions of classical university education and the most advanced information technologies. Enhanced study of two foreign languages is compulsory for all students.
  • Kazan is one of the largest industrial and financial centers of Russia, and a leading city of the Volga economic region in construction and accumulated investment. It is the sixth most populous city. Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia, about 715 kilometres east from Moscow. Kazan is renowned for its vibrant mix of Oriental and Russian cultures.
  • Link to the University