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Chair of Macroeconomics

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gechert

Bild von Sebastian Gechert


Thüringer Weg 7, Room 324


0371 / 531 - 37468


0371 / 531 - 837468

Office Hours

By appointment


2008 - 2012

Research Assistant in Macroeconomics, Chemnitz University of Technology.

2012 - 2015

Research Officer in Fiscal Policy,, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Düsseldorf.

2013 - 2021

Spokesperson of the Research Network “Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)”, Berlin.

2015 - 2021

Head of Unit Macroeconomics and Income Distribution, IMK, Düsseldorf.


Short-Term Consultant for “Climate Fiscal Policy During the COVID-Crisis”, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

2020 - 2021

Privatdozent (External Reader), Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.

Since 09/2021

Full Professor of Macroeconomics, Chemnitz University of Technology.



Diploma in Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology.


PhD in Economics (Dr. rer pol.), Chemnitz University of Technology.


Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Economics, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg. „Essays on the effects and foundations of macroeconomic policies.”


Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Surveys

Liaison lecturer of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

Fellow of the „Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)“, Berlin

Research interest

Applied Macroeconomics, in particular business cycles and crises

Fiscal policy and fiscal rules

Consumer behavior

Ecological economics and sustainability

Distribution of income and wealth

Selected Publications

Gechert, S., Mey, B., Opatrny, M., Havránek, T., Stanley, T.D., Bom, P.R.D., Doucouliagos, H., Heimberger, P., Irsova, Z., Rachinger, H. (2024): Conventional Wisdom, Meta-Analysis, and Research Revision in Economics Journal of Economic Surveys (early online, open access)

Gechert, S., Heimberger, P. (2022), Do Corporate Tax Cuts Boost Economic Growth? European Economic Review 147 (open access)

Gechert, S., (2022), Reconsidering macroeconomic policy prescriptions with meta-analysis, Industrial and Corporate Change 31 (2), 576 – 590 (open access)

Gechert, S., Havránek, T., Irsova, Z., Kolcunova, D. (2022), Measuring Capital-Labor Substitution: The Importance of Method Choices and Publication Bias, Review of Economic Dynamics 45 (July), 55 - 82.

Gechert, S., Paetz, C., Villanueva, P. (2021), The Macroeconomic Effects of Social Security Contributions and Benefits, Journal of Monetary Economics 117 (January), 571 - 584 .

Gechert, S., Siebert, J. (forthcoming), Preferences Over Wealth: Experimental Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (in press).

Gechert, S., Horn, G., Paetz, C. (2019), Long-Term Effects of Fiscal Stimulus and Austerity in Europe, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 81 (3), 647 - 666. 

Gechert, S., Rannenberg, A. (2018), Which Fiscal Multipliers Are Regime-Dependent? A Meta-Regression Analysis, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32 (4), 1160 - 1182.

Gechert, S. (2015), What fiscal policy is most effective? A meta regression analysis, Oxford Economic Papers 67 (3) 553 - 580.

(mehr Informationen auf der persönlichen Webseite: https://sites.google.com/site/gechertecon/research)