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Zentrum für Lehrerbildung

New Approaches in the EFL Primary Classroom

Sarah Reader, M.A.


Ort/Zeit: Rawema R311, Wednesdays 13:45-15:15


The seminar New Approaches focuses on skills and competences students acquired in module 1. In this seminar, we will extend our knowledge about teaching English in primary school as we focus on new and innovative approaches, concepts and methods within this field including, but not limited to:

  • virtual exchange, 
  • differentiation, 
  • drama pedagogy and improvisation, 
  • reading, 
  • using authentic children's literature and
  • using puppets and objects in the classroom (with a visiting lecturer).

Students will participate in an online exchange project with teacher education students in another country, create a lesson and teach it to fellow students in our seminar for the final exam (Lehrprobe).

All information regarding the course and required materials will be provided to students in the first meeting and via OPAL (please enrol here: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/46011187200/CourseNode/1724812205303309005)

Teilnehmer: 7th semester LAGS English majors
Leistung: gemäß Studienordnung / Lehrprobe
Zusatzinformation: Register for the course on OPAL (https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/46011187200/CourseNode/1724812205303309005)