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Professorship Communications Engineering
Professorship Communications Engineering

M.Sc. Matthias Gabriel

Scholarship holder

Phone: +49 (0)371 / 531-34458
Fax: +49 (0)371 / 531-834458
Mailing address: Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Professur Nachrichtentechnik
09107 Chemnitz
Visiting address: Reichenhainer Str. 70
Weinhold-Bau, Raum W402 (C25.439)
09126 Chemnitz
Social networks:

Highly accurate three-dimensional perception for automated vehicles through cooperative sensor data fusion

The research project investigates methods for sensor-supported environment perception for automated vehicles. Cooperative merger techniques fundamentally improve the understanding of the situation of these intelligent vehicles.

Funded by:

Supervised courses

  • LV 1
  • :
  • LV N
The topics I offer for scientific papers (bachelor/master theses) can be found on OPAL.
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