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Professorship Communications Engineering

Prof. Dr. Klaus Mößner

Holder of the professorship

Phone: +49 (0)371 / 531-24320
Fax: +49 (0)371 / 531-24329
Mailing address: Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Professur Nachrichtentechnik
09107 Chemnitz
Visiting address: Reichenhainer Str. 70
Weinhold-Bau, Raum W405 (C25.405)
09126 Chemnitz
Social networks:
Klaus Mößner is Professor for Communications Engineering at the University of Technology Chemnitz, and also Professor in Cognitive Networks at the Institute for Communication Systems and the 5G Innovation Centre, at the University of Surrey, UK. Klaus was involved in a large number of projects in the Cognitive Communications, Service provision and IoT areas. He was responsible for the work on cognitive decision making mechanisms in the CR project ORACLE, and led the work on radio awareness in the ICT FP7 project QoSMOS, led the H2020 Speed5G project. In the past, Klaus was the founding chair of the IEEE DYSPAN Working Group (WG6) on Sensing Interfaces for future and cognitive communication systems. His research interests include cognitive networks, IoT deployments and sensor data based knowledge generation, as well as reconfiguration and resource management; he is senior member of the IEEE. At current he does lead the EU-Taiwan project Clear5G investigating the extensions 5G systems need to serve the particular requirements of the Factories of the Future. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the SHift2Rail Joint Undertaking and was member of the board of trustees for the Faunhofer Institut for Open Kommunikation Systems FOKUS.


  • Projektname aktuell und Link zur NT-Projektseite sowie zur offiziellen Projektseite
  • Projektname -1 und Link zur NT-Projektseite sowie zur offiziellen Projektseite
  • Projektname -2 und Link zur NT-Projektseite sowie zur offiziellen Projektseite
  • ...

Supervised courses

    Autumn semester
  • 243032-310 Signalübertragung
  • 243032-500 Nachrichtentechnik
  • 243032-520 Digitale Signalverarbeitung / Bildverarbeitung
  • 243032-711 Mobile and Car-to-X Communication
  • 243032-713 Mobile Localization and Navigation
  • 243032-715 Advanced Communications Engineering
  • 243032-720 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  • 243032-900 Project Intelligent Vehicles
  • 243032-700 Research Project Communications Engineering
  • Spring semester
  • 243032-520 Digitale Signalverarbeitung / Bildverarbeitung
  • 243032-05 Einfuehrung Signaltheorie
  • 243032-720 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
The topics I offer for scientific papers (bachelor/master theses) can be found on OPAL.
To list my publications follow the links.
ORCiD - this profile lists all publications.
Google Scholar - this profile also lists all publications.
Alle Dissertationen und Habilitationen des Jahres 2020
Alle Dissertationen und Habilitationen des Jahres 2020

Attended scientific conferences

Title Year Place