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Professorship Materials and Reliablility of Microsystems
Failure Analytical Methods for Micro and Nano Systems

Failure Analytical Methods for Micro and Nano Systems

Responsibility:  Bernhard Wunderle, Prof. Dr.

All documents and latest information are available from the OPAL-course: Failure Analytical Methods for Micro and Nano Systems  .

Offical course dates for this semester [de]

Nummer Name Zeit Raum Details
[Vorlesung] []
Mittwoch (Wöchentlich)
(neu: C10.105)
[Praktikum] []
Donnerstag (14-täglich, ungerade KW)
(neu: C25.034)

General Information

  • Language: English
  • Participants:
    • optional required: M_MN, M_MSMN
  • Types of teaching (LVS = contact hours)
    • Lecture: 2 LVS in Winter Semester
    • Lab class: 2 LVS in Winter Semester
  • Examiniation: Written exam (90 min)
  • Credit points: 5
  • Workload: 150 hours


The students develop knowledge in the field of methods for micro- and nanosystems and understand the underlying physical underlying physical principles. They are able to apply their knowledge to typical scenarios in material and failure analysis in the context of system integration in the micro and nano range. Thereby they can establish a link to thermo-mechanical reliability. They are familiar with typical results (error patterns) and limitations from the practical course and have knowledge of contrast formation and parasitic effects. They have a strong interdisciplinary understanding of materials and electronic electronic systems in fundamentals and application.


Motivation and connection to the challenges of system integration: micro- and nanosystems, reliability, failure modes & industry relevance.
Teaching the fundamentals, application and evaluation of the following methods / techniques:
  • Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM)
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and focused ion beam technique (FIB)
  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX),
  • Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
  • X-ray diffraction (XRD)
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
  • Infrared thermography (IRT) & thermoreflectance (TR)
  • X-ray photonelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  • Computer tomography (CT)