On this page, you can find different information from different institutions concerned with equality policies.
Familie in der Hochschule e.V. pursues the goal of anchoring the compatibility of studies, career and science with family responsibilities in the German-speaking university area and developing it further in the extended university network. Families are multifaceted and deserve our appreciation and support in every form.
The Rector of Chemnitz University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, signed the ‘Family in Higher Education’ charter at the beginning of June 2018. This was the prerequisite for the TUC's membership of Familie in der Hochschule e. V.
berufundfamilie Service GmbH is a service provider and think tank in the field of reconciling work, family and private life. We successfully support companies, institutions and universities in the implementation of a sustainable family and life-phase-conscious personnel policy and the organisation of family-friendly research and study conditions.
Re-audit 2023 - Chemnitz University of Technology was once again awarded the ‘family-friendly university audit’ certificate in the second dialogue process.