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Professorship of Sports Medicine and Exercise Therapy

Research facilities

Until the completion of the new laboratory and research complex at the end of 2024, the sports medicine laboratory is located at the Reichenhainer Straße campus. The laboratories include modern sports medicine research facilities, including a clinical chemistry laboratory for basic blood analysis, ergometry and functional laboratories, and an isokinetics laboratory. The space also includes an exercise area with strength and cardio equipment for conducting interventional studies.

With the inauguration of the new laboratory and research complex, the Department of Sports Medicine and Exercise Therapy will then have access to state-of-the-art laboratory and training facilities covering a total area of over 300 m2. By merging the laboratories with the other departments of the IfAB, holistic physiological and neuromuscular testing will be possible. The modern facilities will also provide space to carry out routine sports and exercise therapies for a wide range of indications as part of the usual care, thus enabling an even closer link between theory and practice as part of the courses offered at the institute.

  • Blutproben einer Laktatleistungsdiagnostik
  • Gerät zur Laktatbestimmung im Blut
  • Proband während isokinetischer Kraftmessung
  • Laufbandleistungsdiagnostik im Rahmen der Lehre


Sportmedizinisches Funktionslabor
Stadlerstraße 14a
09126 Chemnitz

Medizinisch-technische Assistentin

Portrait: Andrea Ludwig
Andrea Ludwig
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-39991
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Stadlerstraße 14, 09126 Chemnitz
  • Room:
    C40.009 (prev. St14/009)