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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health


The Institute of Human Movement Science and Health offers an OPAL course spanning all professorships, which lists topics for both bachelor's and Master's theses:

To the OPAL course using your TUC profile

Please note that students are required to participate in a research colloquium in the context of their thesis work, in which current research work is presented and discussed. Detailed information about the requirements can be found in the respective study regulations. Dates for the research colloquia of the individual professorships can be obtained from your thesis advisor. Active participation is strongly recommended!


Students in the Bachelor’s degree program Prevention, Rehabilitation and Fitness Sports may only select a topic for their Bachelor’s thesis once the following requirements have been met:

  • Valid proof of obtaining the German lifeguard certification in bronze or higher
  • Proof of a valid course in “emergency first aid” from a recognized training organization.

These documents must be submitted to Dr. Wolf Gawin:

References for scientific work and literature research