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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology

Data logger



The Stack DVR3-440 data logger with 4 cameras, GPS and CAN-Interface is designed for data recording under harsh conditions such as vibrations, strong centrifugal forces and high fluctuations of temperature or lighting.



DVR      computer program



Technical details

Stack DVR3-440 logger


Stack DVR3-440 data logger with 4 channel digital video recorder, 5 Hz GPS, 34 channel metadata recording, monitor

Main features:


  • Robust synchronized recording of 4 video channels with up to 20 Mbps, GPS (5 Hz), 3 axis accelerometer data and metadata (e.g. CAN-Bus data)
  • Up to 128GB of memory, providing more than 72 hours of high quality, full resolution recording
  • Event Recorder mode, with pre- and post-trigger record periods e.g. for hard braking events
  • DataPro Analysis Software providing visualization, data analysis and export
  • Operating temperature range: -20 to 80° C



Video recording of driving behaviour in real-traffic conditions, GPS-track-recording, recoding of driving data

Further information:




The Stack DVR3-440 data logger is mainly used for on-road driving studies, especially for longer drivers and if CAN-data shall be recorded.



Dr. Matthias Beggiato Maria Kreußlein