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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology


Warning- and assistance system regarding cyclists independent of any specific transport mode


  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme Dresden (IVI), Dresden
  • dresden elektronik verkehrstechnik gmbh, Dresden
  • Binova GmbH, Glashütte
  • KOMSA AG, Hartmannsdorf
  • FusionSystems GmbH, Chemnitz


Logo von European UnionLogo von SABLogo von Freistaat Sachsen

Sächsische Aufbaubank über den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)




The aim of the project RadimFokus is the development and testing of a warning and assistance system that reduces accidents involving cyclists and is independent of any specific transport mode. By involving cars and public transport next to the bikes, the project addresses a wide range of road users that can enhance the safety. Based on a classification of dangerous situations for cyclists combined with real-time data (sensor data of cyclists and other road users), warning signals should be produced and communicated. For presenting the warning signals, new HMI (Human-Machine-Interface) concepts for cyclists will be tested, most promising solutions will be identified and implemented so that a context- and user-adaptive, complex interaction will be possible. Thus, the warning and assistance system cannot only warn in urgent situations but also in a predictive matter. The targeted modality of the system as well as its adaptivity of warnings regarding context and users allows a wide field of application regarding diverse user groups and customer segments (high-end-niche-market vs. mass market). The tasks of the Professorship of Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors lie in supporting the development of the warning model, the identification of user requirements (cyclists, car drivers, etc.) regarding such a system and user-centric evaluation of outcome of the iterative development process. Besides usability studies with the warning and assistance system in the lab, a field trial will be conducted in which the system’s acceptability, user friendliness, and the experienced safety will be investigated.

Contact: Dr. Isabel Kreißig und M.Sc. Sabine Springer

Publications, talks, poster

Kreißig, I., Springer, S., Krems, J.F. (2022). Cycling Safety at the Fore – Evaluation of a Cyclist Warning System from a User Perspective. In C. Stephanidis, M. Antona, S. Ntoa (eds), HCI International 2022 Posters. HCII 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1583. pp. 223-230. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06394-7_29.

Springer, S., Kreißig, I., Krems, J. F. (2021). User Centred Development of a Cyclists Warning System: Who should be warned and how? Proceedings of 9th International Cycling Safety Conference ICSC 2021. Lund, Sweden. Link.

Springer, S., Neumann, I. (2019). Presentation of online survey results „Nutzeranforderung an Warn- und Unterstützungssysteme für Radfahrende im vernetzten Verkehr“. RADimFOKUS consortium meeting, 08.11.2019, Chemnitz, Germany.

Boye, F., Keil, W., Neumann, I., Springer, S. (2019). Project presentation RADimFOKUS. 4th ASAM International Conference – Autonomous Driving – Standardized Virtual Development as a Key to Future Mobility, 10.12.2019, Dresden, Germany.

Springer, S. (2019). Presentation of project and online survey results RADimFOKUS. Research colloquium “Aktuelle Themen der Kognitionswissenschaft” of the professorship Cognitive and Engineering Psychology of TU Chemnitz, 17.12.2019, Chemnitz, Germany.

Springer, S. (2020). Presentation of expert evaluation results of the project RADimFOKUS. Webinar with RADimFOKUS consortium partners, 22.09.2020.

Springer, S. (2021). Project presentation and presentation of laboratory study concept (RADimFOKUS). Research colloquium “Aktuelle Themen der Kognitionswissenschaft” of the professorship Cognitive and Engineering Psychology of TU Chemnitz, 02.02.2021, Chemnitz, Germany.

Springer, S., (2021). Sicherheitskritische Situationen von Radfahrenden – Prävalenzen, Einflussfaktoren und Maßnahmen. 14. Doktorandenworkshop der Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie, 29.09.2021, Braunschweig, Germany.