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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology

Route choice of cyclists

Developement of a methodology for the investigation of the determinants of the route choice of cyclists


Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)




The aim of this research project is to determine the current scientific knowledge concerning cyclists' route choice and its determinants as well as to develop a concept for examining this by means of a naturalistic cycling study. This requires a thorough literature analysis including a structured evaluation and discussion of its results. Simultaneously, a concept to examine the route choice of cyclists will be developed. To achieve this, different research methods will be reviewed considering their practicality. A naturalistic cycling study using one of those methods is going to follow. Additionally, the participants' subjective experience will be surveyed using a travel diary and questionnaires. Considering further usage, the developed methodology, the concepts for data preparation and analysis as well as the experiences with the naturalistic cycling study will be aggregated to create a manual describing the execution and evaluation of a naturalistic cycling study to examine the determinants of cyclists' route choice.

Contact M. Sc. Psych Sophie Lux






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