Current courses in WS 2023/24
On this page you can find the courses offered by the professorship in WS 2023/24. Please check this page or the course catalog again shortly before the start of the courses.
Thesis Colloquium (Bachelor Sociology & Master "Digital Work" (optional))
- Time and place: mondays 1.45 pm to 5 pm, Stadtlabor (Brühl 40, 09111 Chemnitz)
- Start: 09.10.2023
- Lecturer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof
- Opal:
- Contact: Jun-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof, +49 371 531-32515, andreas.bischof@...
The colloquium is conducted in the form of a research workshop and is open to bachelor and master students and anyone interested in writing a thesis in the field of Sociology of Technology & "Digital Work". If you are planning a thesis in our field, please be sure to attend colloquium sessions to get an impression and discuss your topic with us.
Lecture Introduction to the Sociology of Technology (M3)
- Time and place: wednesdays 9.15 am to 10.45 am, Room: 2/B003
- Start: 11.10.2023
- Lecturer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof
- Opal:
- Contact: Jun-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof, +49 371 531-32515, andreas.bischof@...
Exercise Sociology of Technology (M10)
- Time and place: fridays 9.15 am to 10.45 am, Room: 2/TW9/013
- Start: 13.10.2023
- Lecturer: Dr. Tanja Lehmann
- Opal:
- Contact: Dr. Tanja Lehmann, +49 371 531-33490, tanja.lehmann@...
Colloquium Preparation of the empirical investigation (M_DA 1; M3)
- Time and place: thursdays 9.15 am to 10.45 am, Room: 2/W059
- Start: 12.10.2023
- Lecturer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof
- Opal:
- Contact: Jun-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof, +49 371 531-32515, andreas.bischof@...
All information about the courses can now be found in the university's central course catalog.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Tanja Lehmann.