“Innovative Pedagogical Evaluation Workshop"
Wednesday | 05/07/2023 |
10.00 – 10.25 | Welcome Message Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hardt |
10.25 – 10.50 | Invited Talk Title:"" Name:"" University:"" |
Session 1: Title Chair: Prof. | |
4.30 pm | Round Table Discussion |
7 pm | Dinner Restaurant Miramar https://www.miramar-chemnitz.de/ |
Tuesday | 2018/06/05 |
10 am | Lab Visit “Indoor Flight Center” M.Sc. Batbayar Battseren Room (1/025) |
10.30 am | Lab Visit “BlackPearl” M.Sc. Owes Khan Room (012C) |
11.30 am | Lecture "Statistics for Evaluation" Dr.Carla Manuela Alves Pinto; Adjunct Professor, Dr.Susana Claúdia Nicola Araújo, Dr.Jorge Pires de Mendonça Room 1/368 |
1 pm | Lunch |
2.30 pm | Project TU Chemnitz Prof. Uranchimeg Tudevdagva & Dr. Ariena Heller |
4.30 pm | Round Table Discussion |
6 pm | Dinner |
Wednesday | 2018/06/06 |
9.15 am | Lecture (demo) Hardware Software Codesign II Prof. W. Hardt, TU Chemnitz Room 1/305 |
11 am | e-Learning Based Teaching Examples Dr.David Wenzel Faculty of Mathematics |
12 pm | International RoboSchool Susen Heinz BMBF-Project "Individuelle Übergänge ergründen, beraten und gestalten (TU4U)" |
1 pm | Lunch |
2 pm | Project Discussion |
4 pm | City Tour Chemnitz |
Thursday | 2018/06/07 |
10 am | Project Presentation, ISEP, P.Porto University, Portugal |
11 am | Project Presentation, STU in Bratsilva, Slovakia |
12 pm | Lunch |
2 pm | Project Presentation, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France |
3 pm | Project Presentation, TU Chemnitz, Germany |
4 pm | Round Table Discussion |
5.30 pm | Conclusion |
Friday | 2018/06/08 |
10 am | Local Discussion All Partners |
11 am | Conclusion and Short Report, All Partners |
12 pm | Lunch |