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Peter R.M. Stollmann - Professorship Analysis
Professorship Analysis
Peter R.M. Stollmann - Professorship Analysis 

Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann - Professorship Analysis

Flag Bavaria

 Phone: +49 371 531 38349, e-mail: Prof. Dr. P. Stollmann
 Ms Jana Hilber
 Phone: +49 371 531 37389, e-mail: J. Hilber
 Room: C47.730 (old: 2/41/730)
 Office hours: Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 12:00 am Photo shows professor Stollmann writing something on the board

Postal address:
 Chemnitz University of Technology
 Faculty of Mathematics
 09107 Chemnitz -GERMANY-

e-mail: Prof. Dr. P. Stollmann

 Reichenhainer Str. 41
 Room: C47.711, Entrance via Room 712 (old: 2/41/711)
 09126 Chemnitz -GERMANY-