There will be five plenary and 16 semi-plenary talks given by the invited speakers. In addition, several sessions are connected to specific mini symposia or contributed talks.
Confirmed mini symposia
- Functional calculus (head: Markus Haase, Kiel)
- Riemann-Hilbert problems and their applications in random matrix theory (head: Jani Virtanen, Reading)
- Structured matrices and operators — in memory of Georg Heinig (head: Karla Rost, Chemnitz)
- Semigroups and evolution equations (head: Christian Seifert, Hamburg)
- New approaches for high-dimensional integration in light of physics applications (head: Karl Jansen, Zeuthen)
- Toeplitz and related operators (head: Santeri Miihkinen, Joensuu)
- The Rien Kaashoek mini symposium (head: André Ran, Amsterdam)