Dr. David Müller |
+49 371 531 31268
+49 371 531 22409
Reichenhainer Str. 41, Zimmer 726
nach Vereinbarung
Curriculum Vitae |
Abitur in Mannheim | |
2011 |
University of Mannheim, Faculty of Economics Degree: Bachelor in Economics Bachelor thesis: Do election dates effect the credit payments of the European Investmentbank? |
2016 |
TU Chemnitz Degree: Master in Finance Master thesis: Algorithmic price and quantity adjustment in oligopoly markets with capital structure |
since 2016 | scientific assistant, Professorship Wirtschaftsmathematik, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz |
2022 |
Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz Degree: Dr. rer. nat. PhD thesis: Algorithmic aspects of discrete choice in convex optimization |
Research Interests
- Dynamic Pricing
- Economic Equilibrium
- Algorithmic- and Big Data-aspects of Discrete Choice
- Multiarmed Bandits
- Machine Learning and Nonsmooth Optimization
- Shikhman, Vladimir ; Müller, David. Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics, Springer Gabler: Berlin, 2021. ISBN 978-3-662-62520-0. 230 p.
- Müller, David ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Network manipulation algorithm based on inexact alternating minimization. In: Computational Management Science (2022), online first. doi.org/10.1007/s10287-022-00429-9
- Müller, David ; Nesterov, Yurii ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Discrete choice prox-functions on the simplex. In: Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 47, no. 1, p. 485-507 (2022). doi.org/10.1287/moor.2021.1136
- Müller, David ; Nesterov, Yurii ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Dynamic pricing under nested logit demand. 19 pages (2020). In: Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Vol. 6, no. 6, p. 1435-1451 (2021). Article
- Vaubel, Roland; Klingen, Bernhard; Müller, David. There is life after the Commission: An empirical analysis of private interest representation by former EU commissioners, 1981 - 2009. The Review of International Organizations, 2012, 7. Jg., Nr. 1, S. 59-80.
- Melo, Emerson; Müller David; Schlotter Ruben. Distributionally robust random utility model (2023); Preprint
Conferences / Workshops / Schools
- Spring Course in Epistemic Game Theory 2017, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 2017
- Workshop Optimization, Big Data and Applications, Veroli, Italy, July 2017
- Workshop on Optimization Machine Learning and Data Science, Braunschweig, Germany, April 2018
- Workshop Optimization, Olbernhau, Germany, March 2019
- Workshop Optimization, Big Data and Applications, Veroli, Italy, July 2019
- Computational Management Science and Mathematical Methods in Industry and Economics MMEI, Chemnitz, Germany, March 2019
- 18th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Toulouse, France, 2021
- Workshop Optimization, Big Data and Applications, Veroli, Italy, July 2022
- OBA in Veroli: Best Paper Award, 2022.
- TU Chemnitz Lehrpreis Innovative Lehre: "Mathematische Grundlagen von Big Data Analystics", 2022.
- Exercise: Mathematical foundations of Big Data Analytics [Lecturer: Dr. Max Pfeffer]
- Exercise: Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler [Lecturer: Dr. Dana Uhlig]
- Exercise: Mathematical foundations of Big Data Analytics [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematische Modelle in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften[Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematik I für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematik II für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]