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Professur Wirtschaftsmathematik
Professur Wirtschaftsmathematik 

Portraitfoto Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman

+49 371 531 36149
Reichenhainer Str. 41, Zimmer 728

Third-party Funding:

  • UNIVERS WINTER SCHOOL on OPTIMIZATION, GAMES and MARKETS supported by DAAD and BMBF as part of UNIVERS European Cross-Border University, TU Chemnitz, 14.-17.11.2021.
  • "Perspectives in Mathematics: Mathematical modelling, computation, and optimization". Project No 57385176 supported by DAAD in the Förderprogramm "Hochschulkooperationen mit dem African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)" im Senegal 2017-2020".
  • "Continuous Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis". Project No STE 772/15-1 supported by DFG in the Forschungsförderung zum Aufbau einer Deutsch-Israelischen Kooperation zwischen Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, TU Chemnitz und Technion, Israel 2017-2018.
  • FNRS research grant № 22398971 "Algorithmic and Structural Analysis of Market Equilibria", accomplished 2014-2016 at Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium and supported by Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  • DFG research grant SH 720/1-1 (nicht abgerufen) "Global optimization in nonsmooth structures and applications", to be accomplished 2012 at Princeton University, USA and supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).