Job details
Time of job announcement2022-08-28 08:37:51
Type of position
Assistant / Associate Professor
Project title
Several open positions as Assistant or Associate Professor in Applied Signal Processing, Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology
Project description
The Department of Mathematics at Harbin Institute of Technology (China) currently has 3 open positions as Assistant or Associate Professor. You will be part of a newly formed group on Applied Signal Processing. We highly encourage international young researchers to apply. The applicant should bring the following qualifications: * PhD in Mathematics or related subjects (graduation within the last 3 years for Assistant Professor), * working experience on signal processing and applications, * preferable Post-Doc experience (at least 2 years for Assoc.), * no older than 30 years (35 years for Assoc.). * No Chinese language skills required. The Department of Mathematics offers the following positions. The concrete offer and whether an Assistant or Associate Professor position is offered depends on the qualification of the candidate. * Yearly salary no less than 250.000 RMB (300.000 RMB for Assoc.) * 6 years contract (2+2+2 for Assist., 3+3 for Assoc.) * Option on tenure track after evaluation * Starting fund of 100.000 RMB (200.000 RMB for Assoc.) * Support on settling, partner jobs, and children schooling The positions are open until filled. Latest information can be found at under "ASP group". If you are interested, please send a CV and cover letter by email.