Job details
Time of job announcement2022-09-27 20:48:32
Type of position
Postdoc Position TU Berlin (4 years)
Project title
Applied Analysis Draft Draft DraftDraft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Stellenticket ID: 153120 Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position: Research Assistant - salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen - 2nd qualification period (Habilitation) part-time employment may be possible Faculty II - Institute of Mathematics: Reference number: II-702/22
Project description
Working field: The position is located in the working group Modelling, Numerics and Differential Equations. Participation in research and teaching in the field of applied analysis, in particular the candidate should be identified in one of the areas: inverse problems, machine learning, harmonic Analysis, mathematical image and data processing (including geometric/stochastic/variational aspects), functional analysis. Requirements: successfully completed university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent) in mathematics, completed doctorate in mathematics of outstanding quality, in-depth knowledge in the above areas, very good ability to work in a team, very good command English.