Dr.-Ing. Thomas Lehmann
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter |
Werdegang |
2000–2006: Maschinenbaustudium, TU Chemnitz (Abschluss: Diplom) 2006–2011: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Professur Festkörpermechanik, TU Chemnitz 2012: Promotion mit dem Thema: "Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-Werkstoffverbunden" 2011–2015: Konzept-/Versuchsingenieur, imk automotive GmbH, Chemnitz seit 2015: Akademischer Assistent (seit 2021 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Professur Festkörpermechanik, TU Chemnitz seit 2019: Leitung der Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle Mechanik / Laborleitung, Professur Festkörpermechanik, TU Chemnitz |
Arbeitsbereich |
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Analyse inhomogener Verzerrungsfelder für die Parameteridentifikation von Materialmodellen; Entwicklung spezieller experimenteller und experimentell-numerischer Methoden, Auswertestrategien, Versuchsaufbauten, Aufnehmern; Bruchmechanik Experimentelle Methoden: Optische Feldmessverfahren; elektrische Messverfahren/DMS-Messtechnik; faseroptische Messverfahren
- Vorlesung Betriebsfestigkeit/Bruchmechanik
- Vorlesung und Praktikum Experimentelle Mechanik
- Vorlesung und Praktikum Experimentelle Kontinuumsmechanik
- Übung Technische Mechanik 1
- Übung Technische Mechanik 2
- T. Lehmann, E. Peretzki, J. Ihlemannn (2025). Strain Investigations Around Circular Boundaries Based on Digital Image Correlation Data Using Parametrisation and Optimised Smoothing. Strain, 61, 1, e70002.
- L. Kanzenbach, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). Digital image correlation based characterization of rubber material at large shear deformations in an extended temperature range. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 45, 3/4, e202200009.
- E. Bretschneider, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). Experimental investigation of crack initiation and crack propagation in aluminum demonstrator specimens. Materials Today: Proceedings, 62, 5, pp. 2594–2598.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). DIC deformation analysis using B-spline smoothing with consideration of characteristic noise properties. Materials Today: Proceedings, 62, 5, pp. 2549–2553.
- E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). Adaption of the hole drilling method for residual stress analysis inside plastic parts. Materials Today: Proceedings, 62, 5, pp. 2523–2527.
- S. Weiser, T. Lehmann, R. Landgraf, N. Goldberg, H. Donner, J. Ihlemann (2021). Experimental and numerical analysis of cord–elastomer composites. Journal of Rubber Research, 24, 2, pp. 211–225.
- S. Hannusch, E. Peretzki, K. Schich, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Strain measurements with fibre Bragg grating sensors under inhomogeneous deformations. Technologies for Lightweight Structures, 3, 1: Special Issue: 4th International MERGE Technologies Conference (IMTC), 18th - 19th September 2019, Chemnitz, pp. 50–59, veröffentlicht 2021.
- S. Hannusch, K. Schich, E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2020). Investigation of fibre Bragg grating response under inhomogeneous deformations. Materials Today: Proceedings, 32, 2, pp. 232–235.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2020). Strain analysis of cord-rubber composites using DIC. Materials Today: Proceedings, 32, 2, pp. 183–186.
- E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2020). Strain analysis in narrow boreholes by means of microscopic digital image correlation. Materials Today: Proceedings, 32, 2, pp. 118–121.
- L. Kanzenbach, E. Oelsch, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Dynamic testing of a specimen setup for combined high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber. Materials Today: Proceedings, 12, 2, pp. 383–387.
- E. Peretzki, M. Stockmann, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). A new surface preparation method for microscopic digital image correlation applications. Materials Today: Proceedings, 12, 2, pp. 377–382.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). A method for strain analyses of surfaces with curved boundaries based on measured displacement fields. Materials Today: Proceedings, 12, 2, pp. 200–206.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). Investigations in the field of material mechanics using strain gages. PAMM, 18, 1, e201800396.
- T. Lehmann, J. Müller, J. Ihlemann (2018). DIC deformation analyses of Mg specimens at elevated temperatures. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 13/2, pp. 26778–26783.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann, T. Menger (2018). Applications of electrical strain gages in the fields of monitoring and material mechanics. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 41, 2, e201800006.
- S. Härtel, M. Graf, T. Lehmann, M. Ullmann (2017). Influence of tension-compression anomaly during bending of magnesium alloy AZ31. Materials Science and Engineering A, 705, pp. 62–71.
- T. Lehmann, C. Kirbach, J. Müller, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2017). Interfacial strength analyses of Al/Mg compounds using bending tests. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 181, 012029.
- W. Förster, C. Binotsch, B. Awiszus, T. Lehmann, J. Müller, C. Kirbach, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2016). Forging of eccentric co-extruded Al-Mg compounds and analysis of the interface strength. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 118, 012032.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann (2016). Residual stress state and fracture mechanical properties of Al/Mg compounds. Materials Today: Proceedings, 3, pp. 1041–1044.
- C. Kirbach, T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2015). Digital Image Correlation Used for Experimental Investigations of Al/Mg Compounds. Strain, 51, 3, pp. 223–234.
- T. Lehmann (2012). Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-Werkstoffverbunden. Dissertation, TU Chemnitz, Institut für Mechanik und Thermodynamik, Bericht 1/2012.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann (2011). Residual Stress Analysis of Al/Mg Compounds by Using the Hole Drilling Method. Publikation vom 5th International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics (ISEM), 04.–07. November 2010, Kyoto, Japan, in: Special Issue of the Journal of the Japanese Society of Experimental Mechanics, 11, pp. 233–238.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, K. Kittner, C. Binotsch, B. Awiszus (2011). Bruchmechanische Eigenschaften von Al/Mg-Verbunden und deren Fließverhalten im Herstellungsprozess. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 42, 7, S. 612–623.
- K. Kittner, C. Binotsch, B. Awiszus, T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann (2010). Herstellungsprozess zur Erzeugung schädigungsarmer Al/Mg-Verbunde und Analyse der mechanischen Grundeigenschaften sowie der Interfacefestigkeit. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 41, 9, S. 744–755.
- T. Lehmann (2010). Eigenspannungsanalyse an Al/Mg-Werkstoffverbunden mit dem Bohrlochverfahren und DMS-Rosetten. Messtechnische Briefe (online).
- K. Kittner, C. Binotsch, B. Awiszus, T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Naumann (2009). Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von stranggepressten Alumini-um/Magnesium-Werkstoffverbunden und zur Festigkeit des Interface. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 40, 7, S. 532–539.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Naumann (2009). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Al/Mg Compound Specimens under Load in an Extended Temperature Range. FME Transactions, 37, 1, pp. 1–8.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2024). Analysis of notch strains combining electronic speckle pattern interferometry and digital image correlation. Proceedings of the 40th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2024, Danzig, Polen, pp. 46–47.
- E. Bretschneider, R. Landgraf, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2024). Improving repeatability in the extrusion-based additive manufacturing of vulcanisable rubber. Proceedings of the 40th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2024, Danzig, Polen, pp. 201–202.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2023). Investigations on the accuracy of DIC based strain determination for small deformations. Proceedings of the 39th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 26.–29. September 2023, Siófok, Ungarn, pp. 82–83.
- E. Bretschneider, R. Landgraf, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2023). Experimental investigation and control of mass flow in additive manufacturing of vulcanizable rubber. Proceedings of the 39th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 26.–29. September 2023, Siófok, Ungarn, pp. 110–111.
- E. Bretschneider, A. Dittes, T. Mehner, T. Lehmann, B. Schey, C. Hammerl, J. Ihlemann, T. Lampke (2023). Direct 3D Printing of Thermoplastic Polymers on Organosilane-Functionalized Aluminum Substrates by FFF. Proceedings of the 39th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 26.–29. September 2023, Siófok, Ungarn, pp. 84–85.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). A method for strain analysis around circular boundaries based on parametrization and optimized smoothing. Proceedings of the 38th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 20.–23. September 2022, Poros, Griechenland.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). Strain evaluation near 3D curved boundaries based on DIC data. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), 17.–21. Juli 2022, Krakau, Polen, pp. 97–98.
- E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2022). Preliminary investigations for residual stress analysis inside of plastic parts. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), 17.–21. Juli 2022, Krakau, Polen, pp. 85–86.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2021). DIC deformation analysis using B-spline smoothing with consideration of characteristic noise properties. Proceedings of the 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.–24. September 2021, Linz, Österreich, pp. 14–15.
- E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2021). Adaption of the hole drilling method for residual stress analysis inside plastic parts. Proceedings of the 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.–24. September 2021, Linz, Österreich, pp. 31–32.
- E. Bretschneider, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2021). Experimental investigation of crack initiation and crack propagation in aluminum demonstrator specimens. Proceedings of the 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.–24. September 2021, Linz, Österreich, pp. 53–54.
- S. Hannusch, E. Peretzki, K. Schich, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Strain measurements with fibre Bragg grating sensors under inhomogeneous deformations. Proceedings of the IMTC 2019 Lightweight Structures : 4th International MERGE Technologies Conference, Chemnitz, pp. 109–110.
- T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Strain analysis of cord-rubber composites using DIC. Proceedings of the 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2019, Pilsen, Tschechische Republik, pp. 75–76.
- E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Strain analysis in narrow boreholes by means of microscopic digital image correlation. Proceedings of the 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2019, Pilsen, Tschechische Republik, pp. 111–112.
- S. Hannusch, K. Schich, E. Peretzki, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2019). Investigation of fibre Bragg grating response under inhomogeneous deformations. Proceedings of the 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2019, Pilsen, Tschechische Republik, pp. 155–156.
- S. Hannusch, T. Lehmann, N. Schramm, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann, L. Kroll (2018). Functionality of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), Lausanne Switzerland 24.–28. September 2018, paper TuB6
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). A method for strain analyses of surfaces with curved boundaries based on measured displacement fields. Proceedings of the 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 25.–28. September 2018, Sinaia, Rumänien, pp. 13–14.
- M. Stockmann, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). Multi-interval load cell with stepless automatic range transition according the weight. Proceedings of the 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 25.–28. September 2018, Sinaia, Rumänien, pp. 157–158.
- E. Peretzki, M. Stockmann, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). A new surface preparation method for microscopic digital image correlation applications. Proceedings of the 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 25.–28. September 2018, Sinaia, Rumänien, pp. 81–82.
- L. Kanzenbach, E. Oelsch, T. Lehmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). Dynamic testing of a specimen setup for combined high precision uniaxial tension compression tests of rubber. Proceedings of the 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 25.–28. September 2018, Sinaia, Rumänien, pp. 83–84.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2018). A comparison between Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry and Digital Image Correlation regarding sensitivity and resolution. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), 01.–05. Juli 2018, Brüssel, Belgien.
- T. Lehmann, J. Müller, J. Ihlemann (2017). DIC deformation analyses of Mg specimens at elevated temperatures. Proceedings of the 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 19.–22. September 2017, Triest, Italien, pp. 109–110.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann (2016). Tensile test investigations using high-elongation strain gages and digital image correlation. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), 03.–07. Juli 2016, Rhodos, Griechenland.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann (2015). Residual stress state and fracture mechanical properties of Al/Mg compounds. Proceedings of the 32th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 22.–25. September 2015, Stary Smokovec, Slowakei, pp. 108–109.
- C. Kirbach, T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, J. Ihlemann (2014). Investigation of the interface deformation in Al/Mg-compounds using digital image correlation. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 07.–11. Juli 2014, University of Cambridge, UK.
- T. Lehmann, M. Stockmann, M. (2011). Experimental-Numerical Analysis of Fracture Mechanical Properties of Al/Mg Compounds. Proceedings of the 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25.–28. Mai 2011, Chemnitz, pp. 73–74.
- T. Lehmann, J. Naumann, M. Stockmann (2008). Experimental Analysis of Aluminium-Magnesium Compounds. Proceedings of the 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.–27. September 2008, Budweis, Tschechische Republik, S. 258–259.
- B. Awiszus, J. Naumann, M. Stockmann, K. Kittner, T. Lehmann (2007). Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Grenzschicht von Al/Mg-Werkstoffverbunden. Tagungsband zum 1. SFB 692 Kolloquium, 26. September 2007, Chemnitz, Schriftenreihe: Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwendungen, Band 25, Eigenverlag Chemnitz, S. 55–64.
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