X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER (Bruker AXS)
- Vertical goniometer in theta/theta configuration with centric Euler cradle for Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam geometry
- Measurement positioning with laser video system
Technical details:
- 0° ≤ φ ≤ 360° (minimum step size φ = 0.0002°)
- -11° ≤ ψ ≤ +97° (minimum step size ψ = 0.0002°)
Primary beam path:
- X-ray tube with Cu anode and optional line or point focus
- Gap diaphragm for Bragg-Brentano geometry
- Göbel mirror or polycap for parallel beam geometry
- Irradiated area Ø ≥ 150 µm (point focus) and 3.5 cm × ≥ 2mm to 1 cm × 200 µm (line focus)
Secondary beam path: optionally with
- Area detector (VǺNTEC–500)
- Point detector (scintillation counter)
- Energy dispersive point detector (Sol-XE)
Angle range:
- 0° ≤ 2 θ ≤ 130° (minimum step size 2 θ = 0.0001°)
Diffraction methods:
- Phase analysis (qualitative, quantitative)
- Determination of the degree of crystallinity
- Determination of the mean particle size
- (Intrinsic) stress analysis
- Texture analysis
- Measurement of layer thicknesses and interfacial roughnesses
Sample request:
- crystalline and/or amorphous (compact, powder, thin films)
- Maximum dimensions 10 cm × 10 cm × ≤ 3 cm