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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Interdisciplinary lessons 2018 at WOT

From 05 to 09 March 2018, four pupils completed the internship „Materials and Surfaces in the Automobile“ in the laboratories of the WOT Chair. The practical course for pupils is part of a so-called interdisciplinary course, which the faculties of the TU Chemnitz carry out once a year together with the Johannes Kepler Gymnasium Chemnitz. The central subject is the automobile, which is examined and researched from very different perspectives through various lectures and work assignments. The four pupils at the WOT worked out the advantages and disadvantages of metallic materials starting from the chemical basics of the different main material groups and learned how corrosion and wear protection can be achieved with the help of surface technology. They then produced anodised surfaces on aluminium samples themselves and coated high-strength steel sheets using powder coating. The samples were then subjected to wear and corrosion tests and compared with untreated and uncoated base bodies. Finally, coatings and affected material surfaces were prepared metallographically and examined. The students were very interested in every station of their practical training and, according to their own statements, „really learned something“.


Further links:

Student portal of the TU Chemnitz: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/schuelerportal/

9.3.2018 – Student offers of the professorship ( )