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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

IWW presents interactive trade fair stand

At this year's 20th Materials Technology Colloquium, the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering presented its new, joint exhibition stand for the first time, which enables an interactive experience of the research and development work at the Institute. The stand consists of up to twelve clear cubes made of Plexiglas, which contain demonstrators and samples of current research work. However, in order to extend the presentation of the results of the work beyond simply looking at them, the cubes and exhibits are not labelled or explained in any way in writing. Rather, the interested guest is encouraged to form an uninfluenced picture of the work before placing the cube together with the exhibit on a column, thereby calling up a video or slide presentation. On a large screen, he thus learns about the background, motivation, procedure and results of the corresponding work. In this way it is possible to combine the many different fields of work of the three institute professorships in one concept in an appealing way and to present them in greater depth if necessary. If questions remain or interest in the topic has been aroused, a seating area is available for guests and stand supervisors for further discussions.

The interactive IWW stand is now to be used at conferences and trade fairs, but also at open days or student information days. In any case, it was already very popular with guests and employees of the TU Chemnitz at the Materials Technology Colloquium.

20.3.2018 – External work of the professorship ( )