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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Successfully completed doctorate

On 18.07.2018, Thomas Lindner defended his dissertation thesis entitled „Process combination for surface hardening of thermally sprayed layer systems made of austenitic steel“.

In his work, Dr Lindner systematically examined the crystalline and structural influences of thermally sprayed coatings on their thermo-chemical post-treatability. At the core of the investigations were thermal spray coatings produced using HVOF, APS and arc processes. After their application, these coatings were treated by nitriding and colsterisation. The treatment result - in particular the resulting wear and corrosion properties - was then tested for mutual relationships with the preceding manufacturing steps and parameters.

In addition to the doctoral supervisor Prof. Thomas Lampke, Prof. Kai Möhwald from the Leibniz University of Hanover as second examiner and Prof. Holger Cebulla as head of the doctoral procedure were among the first congratulators. Dr Lindner's doctoral thesis will soon be available on the Qucosa platform.


Further links:

Thermal Spray Department of the WOT:

Qucosa platform:



Dr Thomas Lindner after the successful defence in gown and doctoral hat next to the IWW doctoral relics.

31.7.2018 – Personnel of the professorship ( )