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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Award of the Diamond Diploma

The Institute of Materials Science and Engineering IWW awarded the Diamond Diploma for the first time on 25 September 2018. This honour went to 14 graduates of the TU Chemnitz who obtained their degree in the field of materials 60 years ago.

Originally, there were 51 students in the 1955 matriculation list who successfully completed their engineering studies in the department in 1958. However, only 14 were able to take part in the celebration of the diamond diploma. The years of the participants ranged back to 1932. In the joint ceremony at the Institute, the honourees were honoured not only for their academic achievements, but also for their life's work, many of which made a significant contribution to the reconstruction of industry, technical education and further development, first in the GDR and then in a united Germany. The celebrated anniversary is thus also a testimony to the close connection between university, industry and research.

During a tour of the institute, which followed the ceremony, there were also opportunities for technical discussions. How much has changed in the course of time could be seen by all participants in the further development of materials, their treatment processes and analytical methods. But also the basics, which cannot be influenced by time, were discovered again and again. „The greatest happiness of the thinking man is to have explored the explorable and to calmly revere the inscrutable“ said Goethe. The „Diamond Diploma Certificates“ will take pride of place.



In 2014, the TU Clausthal awarded the Diamond Diploma, stating: „The university and the city have not forgotten the graduates of 1956“. Other universities have also awarded Diamond Diplomas, including Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and TU Graz. In 2017, the Diamond Diploma was awarded for the first time to 16 graduates at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The ceremonial presentation  of the „Diamond Diploma“ is now also to become a tradition at the IWW.


Laudator of the Ceremonial Presentation of the „Diamond Diploma Certificates“, Prof. em. Siegfried Steinhäuser (centre), in the circle of guests of honour and relatives

9.10.2018 – Events of the professorship ( )