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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Project „MuMak“: Low-temperature brazing of laser-structured and metal-coated fibre-plastic composites

Since 1 April 2019, a research project on high-strength local bonding of metal and plastic has been carried out jointly by the WOT Chair and the Fraunhofer Institute IWS. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The main objective of the project is to join fibre-reinforced, laser-structured plastics, which have been functionalised by thermal coating, to metal counterparts. The focus of the research project is on three core research topics: the laser structuring of the fibre-reinforced plastic composites (FRP), the thermal coating of these and the subsequent joining against metal bodies by soldering.

The Fraunhofer Institute IWS from Dresden is responsible for the development work in the field of laser technology and substrate design. The WOT professorship at the TU Chemnitz is dedicated to the thermal coating of the prepared substrates and the downstream joining processes. The scientific-technical challenges here lie in the necessary combination of a structure of the plastic surfaces that is suitable for both coating and soldering, without damaging the reinforcing fibres located there, as this leads to a loss of strength of the FRP side and thus of the entire composite. For the thermal coating of the FRP laminates, a wire arc spraying system specially adapted to this group of materials is used, which makes it possible to functionalise temperature-sensitive materials with metallic layer systems. Soft soldering processes are planned for the subsequent joints, the alloy composition of the solders used being adapted to the previously applied functional layer. In the course of the project, the knowledge gained will be transferred from test specimens to real 3D geometries and qualified for application in the field of e-mobility.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Laser-structured FRP laminates coated with a NiCr alloy by means of arc spraying in the form of prepared tensile shear specimens. On the left in the picture is a sample on which wetting tests were carried out with tin-based soft solder.

24.10.2019 – Projects of the Chair ( )